“27 Body Transformation Habits YOU Can’t Ignore” Review
Hi there and welcome!
In this post we will review the “27 Body Transformation Habits YOU Can’t Ignore” system by Tyler J. Bramlett.
In order to make everything more convenient for you we will divide this page into two parts:
1. A short section with some basic information regarding the 27 Body Transformation Habits program.
2. A full review that will cover Tyler J. Bramlett’s 27 Habits system in details and present you with all the information that we think you need to understand about it…
Basic Information
Product’s Name: 27 Body Transformation Habits YOU Can’t Ignore
Creator: Tyler J. Bramlett
Release Date: 2015
Learning Format: text, video and audio formats
Refund Policy: Full refund guarantee for two months
Official Website: http://www.27habits.com
Full Review
1. The Key Details
Created by Tyler J. Bramlett (AKA The Garage Warrior), a seasoned fitness and health specialist, “27 Body Transformation Habits YOU Can’t Ignore” is a step-by-step guide that will teach you 27 specific habits that were designed to help you change your body and life forever.
Tyler explains that the main reason it is so hard to lose the extra pounds, but it’s so easy to gain them back is because of our habits. He says that good or bad, our habits will dictate who we’ll become in the coming days, weeks, and years. Based on the research of Donald Hebb, a Harvard psychologist, Tyler further says that the older our habits, the more difficult they are to eliminate.
The idea above is not exactly new, but according to Tyler Bramlett almost nobody seems to know how to apply it. He explains that through his research and numerous “transformation contests” he was able to identify the 27 powerful habits that will transform people’s bodies in the shortest time possible.
To help you understand what to expect from the “27 Body Transformation Habits YOU Can’t Ignore” program here are some of the things you’ll discover inside:
• How buying a stranger a cup of coffee will help you shed off the extra pounds.
• Why sleeping for eight hours is not the best sleeping habit.
• A trick (scientific-based) that will help you get up every morning feeling great.
• Learn what this “1,2 punch” Tyler Bramlett uses to help him feel happy and determined and make wiser decisions.
• Tyler’s number one habit, which will help ramp up your metabolism and energy levels and lower your blood pressure.
• Find out what this one thing that silently kills you and what you can do to kick it out of your body.
• A common household poison that you should steer clear from, unless you want to gain weight, get sick, or become tired.
• An unknown exercise that you must do every single day to burn fats.
• How to pack your meals with more veggies using 3 simple and quick tricks.
• Why you should eat your favorite comfort foods at least once a week to get rid of extra body fats faster and help you stick to your weight loss diet.
• A quick and effective technique that will shift your nervous system from “stressed mode” to “relaxed mode”, and a lot more!
Aside from the main 27 Body Transformation Habits YOU Can’t Ignore guide, Tyler J. Bramlett also offers the following bonus items:
Bonus 1: The Habit Forming Checklists that will make it effortless on your part to keep track of your improvements with all the 27 body transforming habits.
Bonus 2: The second bonus consists of 27 downloadable audio and video transcriptions of this system…
2. An In-Depth Look At The Pros And Cons
The Main Pros
It Won’t Drain Your Savings
Tyler Bramlett priced this program reasonably and the last time we checked he even slashed off $30 from its original price. While we don’t know for how long Tyler will keep the program at this discounted price, we must admit that for now the 27 Body Transformation Habits system offers amazing value for money.
Credible And Experienced Author
Tyler J. Bramlett, also known as The Garage Warrior, knows how it is to be overweight because he used to be one. It was only after a tragic motorcycle accident that he got serious about getting fit and start training with some of the best people in the fitness field.
For instance, he trained under Pavel Tsatsouline, the Chairman of StrongFirst, Inc. and the guy responsible for introducing the kettle bell to the West. He also worked with Jean-Luc Martin, former Cirque du Soleil athlete and currently a circus arts coach. He said it has been his habit to learn and train with the best.
Since then Tyler has become a famous figure in the industry and a bestselling author of several fitness programs. With his experience as a diet, exercise, and lifestyle consultant you can be assured you’re getting quality information here.
Even if you’re not a reader, you’ll still be able to benefit from this system because Tyler took the extra effort to include videos and audios to make it a lot simpler for people to learn the 27 habits. That’s a big plus in our book.
Not A Diet Or Exercise Program
Out of 27, only 4 habits are about diet and exercise. Tyler Bramlett didn’t even advocate the usage of weight loss pills, surgery, or crash diets. The rest of the habits will teach you hidden tricks to increase your fat loss, energy levels, and force you to be the best version of yourself.
Your Money Is Refundable
Similar to other legit products, you’re entitled to claim a refund within two months after your purchase of the 27 Body Transformation Habits YOU Can’t Ignore program in case you feel it is not what you expected. This means that you can take the guide on a test drive to prove its efficacy and if it doesn’t benefit you at all, even after you followed it to the letter, to ask for all your money back…
The Main Cons
Not An Overnight Solution
According to this article, on average it takes 66 days to form a new habit, so don’t expect these 27 habits to stick in less than a month. You should be patient and don’t give up so you can really benefit from the habits Tyler J. Bramlett covers inside his guide.
Digitally Formatted
Since the main manual and bonuses are in digital format, people without any internet connection will not be able to get hold of this system. Unfortunately, hard-copy edition is not available for purchase yet…
January 2016 Update: We just noticed that Tyler Bramlett is offering 27,000 hard-copy editions for his book for sale right now. Check the bottom of this review for more details…
3. Our Verdict
Overall, “27 Body Transformation Habits YOU Can’t Ignore” is a very interesting guide that offers a totally different approach to weight loss and fitness. It’s not all about working out or following a strict diet regimen, which is really great in our opinion, and we decided to give this program by Tyler J. Bramlett a final rating of 8.6/10 from us.
What we really liked about the 27 Body Transformation Habits system is its price. It’s really affordable, so it’s quite impossible you can’t save up for it, and you really don’t have to worry about the quality of information you’ll get here since the author is obviously knowledgeable and trained. We also really appreciated the fact that Tyler added the 27 downloadable audio and videos for free because there are really times when we’re too lazy to read…
Of course, the 27 Body Transformation Habits YOU Can’t Ignore System is not for everyone, and if you want to get results in a snap or think that this is some kind of “magic bullet”, then this might not be for you.
On the other hand, if you are willing to keep an open mind and stick to the program for around 30-60 days, more or less, then we truly believe that the 27 Body Transformation Habits program can help you change your life and body forever. Moreover, considering that there is a 60-day refund guarantee in place, just in case you’re not happy with what you learned, there is no reason not to give the “27 Body Transformation Habits YOU Can’t Ignore” program a try…
Important update: starting January 2016, Tyler J. Bramlett decided to offer a special edition of his 27 Body Transformation Habits YOU Can’t Ignore guide and to sell 27,000 physical copies for only $5.95 including shipping and handling fees. You can simply Click On This Limited Time Link to take advantage of this special offer while it still lasts…
We hope that it helps and wish you the best!