Everyday Roots Book Review – Is This Guide For You?

Filed in Reviews by on May 8, 2015 0 Comments

Everyday Roots Book
Hello there and welcome!

On this post we are going to review the Everyday Roots Book by Claire Goodall.

To make everything more convenient for you we will break down this post into two sections:

1. A quick section with some basic information regarding the Everyday Roots Book.

2. A complete review that will cover the Everyday Roots Book in details and present you with all the details that we think you need to know about Claire Goodall’s guide…

Basic Information

Product’s Name: Everyday Roots Book

Creator: Claire Goodall

Release Date: 2014

Learning Format: Downloadable guides

Refund Policy: 100% money-back guarantee for 2 months

Official Website: http://www.everydayrootsbook.com


Full Review

1. The Key Details

In simple words, the Everyday Roots Book is a comprehensive guide which covers more than 215 natural remedies that were designed to help people replace the toxic medications and products found in their home with healthier and all-natural alternatives.

Claire Goodall, a health enthusiast, a nature lover and the author of this book, explains that when her prescription medications stopped doing their job, she decided to search for a better, more natural way to manage her health. She put her trust in the healing properties of natural herbs and plants, and had such good results she decided to share her story and recipes with others interested in natural healing.

The Everyday Roots Book contains all the information and recipes that Claire Goodall believes can help people live a life free from toxic drugs, and below is a brief summary of what her book has to offer:

* You’ll find simple natural recipes for chemical-free hygiene and beauty treatments, including toothpaste, shampoo, hair conditioner, face masks, deodorant, bath salts and bath bombs, body scrubs, face scrubs, etc.

* you will find other recipes that are not related to beauty products, such as household cleansers, fabric softeners and laundry detergents, air fresheners and the like.

* The book also contains home remedies for everything from a basic sore throat to acne and cold sores. You can expect to find remedies to such problems as constipation, headaches, gas and bloating, toothaches, nausea, arthritis, and dandruff among others.

It is also important to mention that Claire Goodall offers three bonus items in addition to the main Everyday Roots book. These are:

A guide entitled “Everyday Herbs” which teaches the readers how to make use of 24 medicinal herbs to benefit their body and mind.

A guide entitled “The Coconut Oil Book” that lists 107 uses for coconut oil for the health of your pets, yourself and your home.

A Lifetime Membership that guarantees updates via email each time the Everyday Roots Book is updated…


2. An In-Depth Look At The Pros And Cons


The Main Pros


A Great Natural Health Resource For Your Family’s Health Issues

The Everyday Roots Book is an excellent resource for those interested in natural health products. It offers detailed instructions and a comprehensive list of natural solutions to beauty products, health products and household cleansers.

By getting this guide you will be more knowledgeable in health matters and able to provide natural solutions to your family’s health issues.

An Easy And Enjoyable Read

The Everyday Roots book itself is written in clear and simple language that is easy to read and understand. Claire Goodall says that this was one of her main goals when writing the guide, and we must admit that we personally found it really enjoyable to read.

Helps You Save Money

When you think about what you spend monthly on skin and hair care products, it becomes clear you simply spend too much.

The great thing about the Everyday Roots Book is that the recipes Claire Goodall recommends inside are based on ingredients that are easy to get and not expensive at all. This will help you not only to switch to all-natural alternatives but also to save money at the same time.

The Lifetime Updates And Bonuses Are An Invaluable Perk

These are not just incentives to get you to buy the book. The bonus guides that come with the Everyday Roots Book contain valuable information as well, and the promise of any future updates as a member is also another thing that we like.

Sixty-Day Refund Guarantee That Assures You Will Not Be Disappointed

If you are not completely happy with your purchase of the Everyday Roots book, all you need to do is contact the author within the 60-day refund period and your money will be returned to you with no questions asked.

That is the “security blanket” Claire Goodall offers, simply because she is so confident you will find her guide useful…


The Main Cons


Everyone Is Different

Any product comes with the potential for an allergic reaction by some users. There is also often some confusion over products bearing the words as “natural” or “organic” on their label. There is some “flexibility” when it comes to the use of those words.

Our best advice for you will be to know your products and read the labels carefully to be sure you are purchasing high quality and truly natural ingredients. Everyone is different and thus the effects and body’s reaction to certain ingredients will be different.

With that said, the good news is that all the remedies inside the Everyday Roots Book are natural remedies and as such are rarely harmful if used correctly.

Was Not Created By A Famous Expert

Claire Goodall is just another consumer, like you, who cares about good health and natural home remedies. While she is into nature and alternative medicine and has learned a lot from her own experiments and discoveries, she is not considered as a “guru” in the field of natural health.

What we try to say is that if you’re looking for an author with a degree in chemistry or a medical degree, you are not going to find it in Claire Goodall.

Only Digital Version Is Available

The Everyday Roots Book is available in eBook format only and no hard cover version exists yet. People who don’t like eBooks may probably see this as a con…


3. Our Verdict

Final Scores
  • Amount of Content - 9/10
  • Quality Of Content - 9/10
  • User Friendliness - 9/10
  • Bonus items - 8/10
  • Customer Support - 8.5/10
  • Overall Value For Money - 9/10

Overall, the Everyday Roots Book by Claire Goodall is with no doubt one of the most interesting natural health guides we have ever read, and this book gets the average rating of 8.7/10 from us. While this book was not created by some “health guru”, the information found inside is very useful, and we believe that many people will be able to benefit from the recipes and information Claire Goodall shares…

The thing we really like about the Everyday Roots Book is that it will not only help you to switch the toxic products in your home to all-natural alternatives, but will also help you to save some money at the same time. In addition, the facts that Claire Goodall offers over 215 natural remedies from many different categories and uses simple and easy to understand language inside her guide make the Everyday Roots Book suitable for virtually anyone.

All in all, if you are looking for a step-by-step guide that will show you how to protect your family from toxic medications and products by switching to much healthier and all-natural alternatives, then the Everyday Roots Book may be a great choice for you.

Moreover, the 2 months money back guarantee that Claire Goodall provides actually makes the Everyday Roots Book a risk-free choice, and gives you enough time to try the various recipes inside with full confidence…

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