Erase Chronic Pain Review – Is This Program For You?
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On this page we’re going to review the Erase Chronic Pain program by Kevin Kleimar and Eric Herschel.
To make everything more convenient for you we will break down this post into two sections:
1. A quick section that contains basic information regarding the Erase Chronic Pain guide.
2. A full review that will cover the Erase Chronic Pain system in details and provides you with all the important information that we feel you must know about this product…
Basic Information
Product’s Name: Erase Chronic Pain
Author: Eric Herschel and Kevin Kleimar
Release Date: 2014
Learning Format: Downloadable guides
Refund Policy: Full money back guarantee for 60 days
Official Website:
Full Review
1. The Key Details
Dealing with chronic back pain on a daily basis is an unnerving situation and most people are willing to do whatever is necessary to remove the pain from their lives.
In 2014 Kevin Kleimar and Eric Herschel created a new guide that promises to show people how to get rid of chronic back pain in as little as 21 days, which they named “Erase Chronic Pain”.
The authors of the guide suggest leaving the pain medications at the pharmacy and striving to remove your pain via natural methods which are not addictive or damaging. In fact, pain medication is only a temporary solution, just mildly numbing you from the existing pain.
Kevin Kleimar and Eric Herschel explain that one of the most difficult problems with back pain is trying to find the primary source of the pain. Typically, it can be coming from several areas. If you are suffering from upper back or shoulder pain, can you pinpoint the exact location? More than likely not as the whole area is affected.
Co-creator of this product, Eric Herschel says that the dealt with back pain for years before coming across Kevin’s theories. It was those theories that sent him on a painless journey and helped him to erase his pain for good.
Kevin Kleimar has a unique take on long term pain like arthritis and fibromyalgia. He believes that the pain takes place in the brain, also known as “Centralized Pain”.
He explains that his Erase Chronic Pain program works because it helps to erase the pain chemicals that are present in your brain. Browsing through the Erase Chronic Pain guide you begin to understand that these chemicals are the real cause of pain. These chemicals have the tendency to overload your brain with feelings of heightened sensitivity and pain.
As a result, inside the Erase Chronic Pain system Eric Herschel and Kevin Kleimar shows you the specific foods and supplements you need to add to your daily diet. In addition, they show you the daily portions that should be taken as well as a combination guide.
The right combination of these foods and supplements is what the authors believe has the power to eliminate the pain chemicals from your brain…
2. An In-Depth Look At The Pros And Cons
The Main Pros
A Natural Solution
Everything that Eric Herschel and Kevin Kleimar recommend in the Erase Chronic Pain Program is safe and 100% natural. There is no need to worry about side effects or damaging your body further.
In addition, almost everything you need for this program can be found at your local grocery or drug store.
Long Term Results
Many of us have been dealing with back pain for years. The co-creator, Eric Herschel said he had been in pain since he was in college, which is well over 43 years. That was more than half of his life so far!
One of the most important things to remember about chronic pain is it will not go away by itself. In fact, it can lead to a condition known as allodynia.
This is why the program was dedicated to relieving you of the pain chemicals within the brain. While short-term relief can feel heaven sent, it will come back. This program was designed to take you by the hand and help you permanently remove your chronic back pain.
Less Expensive Than Traditional Methods
The Journal of the American Medical Association stated that between 1997 and 2005 Americans spent over 86 billion annually in costs related to neck and back injuries.
Do all those medical visits make a dent in people’s pain?
The lead researcher in this case study observed no real effects on the patient’s pain despite the staggering amount of care. These treatments actually lead to further depression and more physical limitations for the people involved.
Where do you fall in this category? How much do you think you spend a year on your back problems? Either trying to find a solution or just trying to ease the pain? We can almost guarantee that you spend a lot more than the price of Erase Chronic Pain guide.
In addition, all of the recommended foods and supplements inside the guide will not break your bank account either, which make this natural program a less expensive solution.
Scientifically Studied Treatment
After a good deal of searching, we were unable to find the study led by Kevin Kleimar available online. However, there is a similar study by Dr. Zhuo that you can read about by doing a simple Google search.
For us, it is good to know that there is a scientific research backing the claims made in the Erase Chronic Pain guide.
Includes A 100% Money Back Guarantee Policy
Kevin Kleimar and Eric Herschel are so positive that their program will work for you, that they offer a complete 60-day guarantee. They say that if your pain is still as intense as the day you bought the program, email them at the address provided and they will simply refund your money…
The Main Cons
Only Available As A Digital Product
The Erase Chronic Pain Program is not available in any book or retail store. It is only available as a PDF through an online retailer. So if you are not too comfortable reading from your laptop, tablet, desktop or Smartphone this may be a disadvantage for you.
With that said, you can simply buy the guide and print it out on your home printer. While it will not be the same as a real hard-cover book, this way you can sit and read the guide at your leisure.
Requires That You Put In The Effort
Technically, this is not a con as it is just a fact of life. You have to be willing to put some effort into the information found in this guide. While the guide will show you the right course to take to relieve your back pain, you have to go the rest of the distance.
In simple words, if you are not willing to try the solutions found in this guide and to dedicate the required time to follow the authors’ directions, there will be no results for you…
3. Our Verdict
Overall, Erase Chronic Pain by Kevin Kleimar and Eric Herschel is a great guide that offers very different approach to dealing with chronic pain, and this guide gets an average rating of 7.6/10 from us. While the results of this natural solution may vary, since everyone is different and doesn’t react the same as others, the fact that this program is all-natural based and offered with full money back guarantee is more than enough reason for us to give it a try.
What we really like about the Erase Chronic Pain system is that it was designed to provide long-term results and not only short-term relief. In addition, the fact that this program is backed up by researches and that it is much cheaper than traditional methods is another great advantage for us.
All in all, if you suffer from chronic pain and you are looking for a natural solution that was designed for long-term results, then the Erase Chronic Pain system may be a great choice for you…
Click Here To Get The Program Now!