Fighter Abs Review – Is Andrew Raposo’s Program For You?

Filed in Reviews by on July 6, 2015 0 Comments

Fighter Abs Program
Hello there and welcome!

On this post we’re going to review the Fighter Abs program by Andrew Raposo.

In order to make everything more convenient for you we will break down this post into two parts:

1. A quick section with some basic details about the Fighter Abs program.

2. A complete review which will cover the Fighter Abs system in details and provides you with all the information that we believe you should know about Andrew Raposo’s program…

Basic Information

Product’s Name: Fighter Abs

Author: Andrew Raposo

Release Date: 2014

Learning Format: Guides and Videos

Refund Policy: Full money-back guarantee for 2 months

Official Website:


Full Review

1. The Key Details

In simple words, “Fighter Abs” is a unique 6-week training program that was designed to help people get ripped abs like those pro fighters have, without requiring the use of any complex and expensive workout machines.

Andrew Raposo, a professional coach for boxers and Muay Thai fighters, a two-time provincial gold medalist for boxing, and the creator of the Fighter Abs program, explains that his system is based on 3 phases: the Foundation Phase, the Figheter Core Strength Phase, and the Final Competition Prep Phase.

Raposo says that he laid out a simple and effective two-week schedule where each phase can be effectively addressed in as little as 15 minutes a day. More specifically, here is a little more detail on the contents of each phase:

Phase 1: Foundation

Here Andrew Raposo will show you several different effective full-body workouts that will speed up your metabolism and promote more calorie-burning, even while you’re resting.

Phase 2: Fighter Core Strength

The second phase of the Fighter Abs program delivers a range of intense workouts focused exclusively on the abdominal muscles in order to build strength and increase the abs’ visibility.

Phase 3: Competition Prep

To maximize the physical appeal and visibility of your abs, Andrew provides a series of aggressive workout routines designed to melt away fat on your lower belly…

The Main Components Of The Fighter Abs Program

* More than 20 “Done For You” Workout Videos – Each video is a focused instructional session showing you how to complete one of the program’s exercises with perfect technique.

* The 6-Week “Done For You” Workout Plan – A comprehensive schedule that integrates all aspects of Andrew Raposo’s 3 Phase system into a ready-to-start exercise regimen. This will minimize your wasted time and help you start getting results much faster.

* The Complete Fighter Abs Manual – This informative guide contains dozens of pages of important instructions on the Fighter Abs program as a whole and how you can make it a part of a more fully-featured exercise routine.

* Get Mobility Like A Fighter – This video will reveal the mobility drills and warm-up exercises that top fighters use to prepare for their workouts and improve their reaction times. Basically, you’ll develop better flexibility and prepare yourself to work out hard without risking injury by following this video’s directions.

* The Supplement Guide – The world of nutritional supplements is full of effective options, but it’s tough to cut through the marketing hype and find them. Andrew Raposo says he prepared this no-nonsense guide to help you make smart choices when it comes to supplementation so that your exercise regimen gets the optimal nutritional support it needs…


2. An In-Depth Look At The Pros And Cons


The Main Pros


Concentrates On Effective Exercises

As you may already know first hand, running through a few crunches and sit-ups isn’t going to give you the abs you’re looking for. Fighter Abs skips the time-wasting routines and concentrates exclusively on high-intensity training that burns plenty of calories both during and after your workout.

Free Of Dietary Restrictions

While eating healthy is important to any fitness program, Andrew Raposo refrains from tying any onerous dietary instructions to the Fighter Abs program. You will need to understand some general dietary rules when following the Fighter Abs program, but overall you will have enough freedom when it comes to your diet.

Minimal Investment

Truthfully, the amount of money that people waste on misguided or fruitless efforts to improve their physical fitness is shocking. There are probably far more gym memberships out there than there are spaces in the gym!

The good news is that the Fighter Abs system enables you to start working out effectively without investing in costly equipment or making use of any special facilities.

Suitable For All Users

One of the greatest strengths of the Fighter Abs program is that it’s suitable for almost anyone. Andrew Raposo is a firm believer in everyone’s potential for building great abs with the right training routine, and it seems that he had the broadest possible audience in mind when he built the program (including older users and women).

For example, any user of the Fighter Abs program can easily choose the right intensity level to provide a challenge without exceeding their physical capabilities.

Authored By A Real Expert

By paying a single modest fee, you’ll get full access to the guidance of a true professional fighter. Just think how much a one-on-one lesson from someone with Andrew’s credentials would cost. (Remember, he’s a professional coach, a two-time medalist in boxing, and a North American Muay Thai Champion!)

Minimal Risk Involved

The Fighter Abs program is backed by a decent refund guarantee that’s good for up to 60 days after your purchase. This means that if you are unsatisfied in any way, you can recoup the full cost of the program at any time for two full months…


The Main Cons


May Be Too Challenging For Some

If you choose to follow the Fighter Abs system you’ll become a firm believer in the principle of “no pain, no gain.” If you really want great-looking abs, you’re going to have to sweat. In other words, Andrew Raposo’s program is challenging, and you need to be ready to struggle.

No Physical Materials

The manuals and videos in the Fighter Abs system are all delivered electronically in PDF and MP4 form. While this allows immediate access once you pay for the program, the fact that you don’t get the option of buying a physical copy is something that some people may find as a con.

Dedication And Patience Are Also Required

It is no secret that a lot of people fail to get results from home workout fitness programs because they simply don’t have enough patience and dedication. The Fighter Abs program is no different and in order to enjoy its benefits you will have to commit yourself fully. That means it is your responsibility to stay motivated and follow through with all of the requirements…


3. Our Verdict

Final Scores
  • Amount of Content - 9.5/10
  • Quality Of Content - 9.5/10
  • User Friendliness - 8/10
  • Bonus items - 8.5/10
  • Customer Support - 9/10
  • Overall Value For Money - 9.5/10

Overall, Fighter Abs is a challenging and highly-effective abs program that can be a great solution for people who want to build ripped abs like those pro fighters have, and this training system by Andrew Raposo gets an average rating of 9/10 from us.

While this program is not an easy one, and it requires real efforts and dedication when following it, we personally believe that with enough patience and self-discipline getting very impressive results in only 5-6 weeks is absolutely possible…

What we really like about the Fighter Abs program is that it concentrates only on effective exercises and skips all the time-wasting routines that most other programs usually include. In addition, the fact that there is no need to follow strict diet restrictions or to spend lots of money on costly equipment in order to get the promised results is another huge advantage in our opinion.

All in all, if you are looking for an effective program from a real expert, that was designed especially to target the lower belly fat in order to help you get the ripped abs you have always wanted, then the Fighter Abs program may be a great choice for you.

Moreover, the eight weeks refund guarantee that Andrew Raposo provides actually makes the Fighter Abs system a very safe choice and gives you the option to test it for several weeks without risking your money…

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