Masszymes Enzyme Formula By Wade Lightheart – Full Review

Filed in Reviews by on November 10, 2016 0 Comments



Hello there and welcome!

On this page we’re going to review the Masszymes advanced enzyme formula by Wade T Lightheart.

To make everything more convenient for you, we will break down this post into two sections:

1. A quick section with some basic information about Masszymes.

2. An in-depth review that will cover the Masszymes supplement in detail, and present you with all the pros & cons you must know about it…

Basic Information

Product’s Name: Masszymes

Kind Of Product: Dietary supplement

Release Date: 2016

Refund Policy: Complete money back guarantee for 60 days

Official Website:


Full Review

1. The Key Details

Created by Wade T Lightheart, author, athlete, nutritionist, and advisor, “MassZymes” is a dietary supplement containing five of the most potent proteases that would help promote faster muscle growth, recovery, and eliminates gastrointestinal problems associated with protein consumption.

Wade Lightheart claims that MassZymes can do all of the above without increasing your protein intake, and he explains that it was specifically formulated for athletes, weightlifters, and bodybuilders.

Wade says there is a big lie in the supplement industry for many years, and lots of people tend to believe that the more protein they consume, the more muscle growth they will achieve.

According to Mr. Lightheart, our small intestines don’t absorb all the proteins from the foods, drinks, and supplements we consume. Moreover, protein absorption will highly depend on the amount of proteases we have in our bodies.

How do proteases help with muscle building?

Well, a protease (a type of enzyme) breaks down protein into smaller and absorbable building blocks called amino acids, which our bodies need for muscle growth and recovery. And as you might know, a faster recovery will enable you to workout harder and have more time for muscle growth.

Unfortunately, Wade Lightheart explains that most dietary supplements out there don’t contain high amounts of protease. Instead, manufacturers stuff each capsule with low-quality amylase (breaks down carbs) and lipase (breaks down fats), and then filling it with a small amount of protease.

According to him, this is exactly why he decided to create the MassZymes advanced enzyme formula. Wade boasts that each capsule contains 85,000 HUT of protease, and their Tri-Phase Protease is able to withstand every pH level, from 2 to 12, so it can do what it’s supposed to do.

Other benefits of MassZymes include:

• Clearer thinking
• Improved focus
• Increased energy levels
• Function even with little sleep
• Sweeps away undigested protein found in your gut…

Click Here To Learn More About The Main Benefits Of MassZymes!


2. An In-Depth Look At The Pros And Cons


The Main Pros


Builds Enzyme Reserves for Muscle Growth

The protease enzymes contained in each MassZymes capsule allow nutrients, specifically amino acids, to be absorbed in the bloodstream and promote good muscle gains. If you wish to build muscles, taking digestive enzyme supplements is necessary to get the best possible results. And based on the user testimonials we have found online, MassZymes seem to do just that.

Eases Irritating Digestive Problems

Digestive enzymes play a crucial role in mining nutrients from the foods we eat and transform them into usable energy. If we have low amounts of these enzymes – due to age, diet, and lifestyle – we could experience various digestive discomforts, like bloating, gas, and indigestion. Enzyme products, like MassZymes, could help prevent or ease these digestive problems.

Contains More Protease than Most Brands

We checked the products mentioned on the website, as well other digestive enzyme supplements on Amazon, and we found out that MassZymes does contain one of the highest amounts of high-quality protease on the market today.

Wade Lightheart Seems Credible

Most disreputable fitness and health experts are usually hard to find online. No background information. No personal or business website. Fortunately, it’s not the case with Wade, and it was easy for us to find lots of information about him online.

You can read all his credentials on his website,, if you want to know more about him.

Does he know what he’s saying or doing? Well, we think his buff body somehow proves that he’s doing something right.

Endorsed by Coaches, Health Experts, and Bodybuilders

At the bottom of the sales page on the official website, you’ll see a list of fitness experts and bodybuilders who endorsed MassZymes. If you’re interested, read Stefan Pylarinos’, a bodybuilder and founder of the Project Life Mastery, blog article about his weight loss regimen, which includes taking MassZymes.

60 Days Money-Back Guarantee

Wade T Lightheart believes that people shouldn’t pay for protease dietary supplements that are useless. That’s why he’s offering his 60-day money-back guarantee to make it easier for you to try the MassZymes advanced enzyme formula without any risk. If it doesn’t work as promised, Wade promises he will return every penny you spent.

Note: You may not qualify for a refund if you already opened a second bottle.


The Main Cons


Costs More than Most Other Products

A bottle of MassZymes could cost more than twice the price of other protease supplement brands. But, you have to take note that the total amount of protease infused in each MassZyme capsule is higher than most leading brands. As previously mentioned, the more protease enzymes in your body, the more amino acids go into your bloodstream for muscle growth.

Watch Out for Possible Side Effects

Digestive enzyme supplements, such as MassZymes, rarely have serious side effects. But if you’re one of the unlucky few, you may experience tummy aches, soft stools, and frequent bowel movements from taking digestive enzyme supplements.

If you experience any adverse effects, stop taking the supplement and/or talk to your doctor as soon as you can.

Not for Everyone

MassZymes is not for men or women below 18 years old. If you’re breastfeeding, it’s best to avoid this supplement for the meantime…


3. Our Verdict

Overall, we believe that the MassZymes supplement is worth the buy. Based on the physical built of Wade and the user testimonials online, there is no doubt that it could aid proper digestion and muscle building. In addition, we must admit that we didn’t find any negative reports about this product online, which is also a good sign.

Of course, MassZymes is not your only option, and there are countless similar products out on the market today. Some are cheaper than this product; however the downside is they usually contain less protease, which is a key component for maximizing nutrient extraction. After comparing popular digestive enzyme supplements with MassZymes, we conclude that the latter has one of the strongest protease enzyme formulas.

In general, if you’re on a tight budget, or if you don’t mind taking supplements with low amounts of protease (which defeats the purpose), then MassZymes might not be for you.

On the other hand, if you want to promote proper digestion or ease your digestion problems, if you want a good quality digestive enzyme supplement, or if you simply want to gain muscle, then Wade Lightheart’s MassZymes supplement is a great option for you.

Bottom line: The only way to know if it works for you is to try it out yourself. Luckily, if you don’t like the results, or the lack thereof, there’s a 60-day refund guarantee waiting for you. With that in mind, we personally believe that MassZymes is at least worth the try…

Well, this is all we could say in this MassZymes review. We hope this gave you the information you were looking for, and we wish you the best 🙂

Click Here To Check The Best Deals Available For Masszymes Now!

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