My Bikini Belly Review – A Real Bikini Body Solution?
Hi and welcome!
On this post we will review the “My Bikini Belly” program by Shawna Kaminski.
To make everything more convenient for you, we will break down this post into two sections:
1. A quick section with some basic details about My Bikini Belly.
2. A complete review, which will cover the My Bikini Belly system in details and provides you with all the important information that we think you should understand about Shawna Kaminski’s bikini body program…
Basic Information
Product’s Name: My Bikini Belly
Author: Shawna Kaminski
Release Date: 2015
Learning Format: Guides And Videos
Refund Policy: 100% money back guarantee for sixty days
Official Site:
Full Review
1. The Key Details
We are all too familiar with the phrase ‘aging gracefully’. Those words bear a lot of different meanings to different people, but a simplistic definition basically connotes the aspect of remaining beautiful as one age. The reality of things, however, is that this is easier said than done. As much as it is our desire to remain beautiful as we age, this is not usually the case. For instance, once a woman hits menopause, changes in her body take effect, resulting in some unfamiliar developments.
The most familiar change is some changes in the hormones and the subsequent accumulation of fats in the abs section that comes with these hormonal changes. Many women do not know exactly how to deal with this new situation that they find themselves in, and as a consequence, they end up going through crash diets in an effort to remedy the situation, which instead only aggregates the situation.
Shawna Kaminski, a Canadian athlete and the owner of NW Fit Body Boot Camp, explains that she knows exactly how it feels. According to her claims, this problem that so many women suffer from is exactly the reason that led her to develop the “My Bikini Belly” system…
What exactly is “My Bikini Belly”?
In simple words, “My Bikini Belly” is a 21-day fitness program that was specifically designed for women who are undergoing menopause and the associated fat accumulations in the belly.
The premise behind Shawna Kaminski’s program is that the accumulation of fats is as a result of activation of some genes that are found in the fat cells. These genes reduce the amount of fat that can be burned thus causing the accumulation of the fats.
As a way to help you avoid this, the program focuses on counteracting the effects of these genes as much as you can and in as little time as possible.
Generally, the My Bikini Belly program revolves around a special training method called “Metabolic Activation Training” that works to activate three vital parts of your body in a natural way. In a nutshell, it works like this:
1. The first function is to enhance fat dissolution by deactivating the menopause gene. This gives your body the natural ability to burn the fats in the belly area.
2. The second function is to activate the hormones that tighten and shrink your belly over time.
3. The final bit involves enhancing your metabolism, which improves the ability of the body to burn fats tremendously.
More specifically, below is a summary of the main things that you can expect to find and learn once you purchase the My Bikini Belly program:
– Workouts that were specially designed to activate natural anti-aging molecules from the body cells. These workouts are also geared towards ensuring you attain increased energy levels over time.
– A set of movements that are geared towards speeding body metabolism and thereby improving the ability of the body to burn excess fats.
– Diet tips that are designed to help you reduce the amount of fat that accumulates in your abs and thereby enhance your feminine curves.
– Useful advice that can help you to improve your blood circulation, which prevents the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases of any sort.
– Shawna Kaminski also provides numerous tips that can help you to reduce the appearance of cellulite, and much more…
2. An In-Depth Look At The Pros And Cons
The Main Pros
Quick Workouts
One of the upsides of the My Bikini Belly program is that it is crafted to take as little time as possible. The workouts are easy to do, they do not leave after-workout-aches, and you only need to exercise around ten minutes a day in order to get results.
Many fitness programs are designed with no particular goal in mind and target both men and women. On the contrary, Shawna Kaminski’s program is designed specifically for women who are over 35 years old.
This means that this group of women will be able to get much better results by following the My Bikini Belly system compared to all of these “general” fitness programs available on the market nowadays.
Another thing that we really like about Shawna Kaminski’s My Bikini Belly program is its price. Right now the program is offered at a special price of less than $20, and there is also no need to purchase special equipment when performing the workouts.
These two things make My Bikini Belly an affordable choice for almost any woman.
Shawna Kaminski is a credible author and her resume is very impressive. She is a two-time winner of the Toughest Calgarian Alive challenge, she has over 25 years of experience working with women, and she is also a contributing editor for many fitness magazines.
All of these things make her a valid author, and someone that we believe can be completely trusted.
Sixty Day Money Back Guarantee
Since the program promises pretty fast results in only several weeks, Shawna Kaminski says that if you are not satisfied with it during the first two months, you can ask for your money back.
This makes “My Bikini Belly” a risk-free choice…
The Main Cons
Niche Specific
Since the program targets a specific group of women, it is not suited for all women. Additionally, since women react differently to hormonal changes experienced during menopause, the results of the program may vary.
Lack Of A Hard Copy
For women who are not particularly enthusiastic about digital products, My Bikini Belly may be a disappointment. This is because the program is fully digital, without a hard copy available…
3. Our Verdict
Overall, “My Bikini Belly” is a great fitness system for women that struggle to lose belly fat, and this program by Shawna Kaminski gets the average rating of 9.1/10 from us.
While this program is not exactly the best choice for women in their 20’s (although they can also benefit from it), we personally believe that women over 35 years old will find this program to be one of the most affordable fitness programs on the market today…
The thing we really like about the My Bikini Belly program is that it offers quick yet effective workouts that can be done at home without special equipment, and take just around ten minutes a day. In addition, the great price tag and the fact that the program was designed by a real fitness expert are other things that make My Bikini Belly a great choice.
All in all, if you are in your late 30’s or older, and you try to find effective and affordable bikini body program that was designed especially for women at your age, then Shawna Kaminski’s Bikini Belly system may be a great choice for you.
Moreover, the 60 days refund policy that Shawna provides gives you all the time you need to test her program for several weeks and to see for yourself if it really works or not. If after this period you believe that the My Bikini Belly system didn’t help you at all, then Shawna Kaminski promises that you will simply get all of your money back…
Click Here To Get The Program Now!
My name is Joy.
I am interested in the ” my bikini body by Shawna Kaminski” in your link below.
I have tried to purchase the program from your link in the mail below but my country “Nigeria” is not listed in both the billing and shipping drop down list so it has been impossible for me to place an order.
If one is successful in placing an order, the product will be sent in a digital format via email not shipped physically to an address which i am used to when i purchase digital products online.
Kindly help advise me on how to go ahead to place an order. I intend to present it as a gift to a friend who has been having difficulty getting her bikini belly back after child birth 1 year ago. Please help !
Hey Joy, we don’t know if Clickbank allows payments from your country or not. You should contact them directly in order to get an answer to your question… We hope that it helps 🙂