Organic Fungus Myco Nuker by Dr. Ishiguro – Full Review

Filed in Reviews by on January 1, 2018 0 Comments

Organic Fungus Myco Nuker

myco nuker


Hello guys,

Today we are going to the

Organic Fungus Myco Nuker reviews.

For your convenience, we will divide this page into two parts:

1. A brief section with some basic details about the Organic Fungus Nuker.

2. A detailed review of this supplement that will provide you with all the important information which we feel you must know before making any decision…

Basic Information

Product’s Name: Organic Fungus Myco Nuker

Designed by: Dr. Ishiguro

Kind of Product: All-natural supplement

Refund Policy: 60-day money back guarantee

Official Website:

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Full Myco Nuker Reviews


1. The Key Details

Created by Dr. Ishiguro, a Japanese alternative health and wellness doctor, the “Organic Fungus Nuker” (also known as Myco Nuker) is a supplement that consists of crucial, pure-grade ingredients that can eliminate toenail fungus and give you healthier and better-looking skin and nails after one to two weeks of continued intake.

Here’s how the Organic Fungus Nuker work:

Starvation Phase: You’re going to use a formula consisting of Matcha and Gyokuro, which are dubbed as “The Emperor of Japanese green teas,” to detoxify your body and make it hard for fungi to survive.

Elimination Phase: This phase will keep internal and external fungal overgrowth under tight control. It will also stimulate your body’s innate ability to fight deadly infections.

Some of the ingredients of the Organic Fungus Nuker are:

  • Arabinogalactan
  • Beta-Glucan
  • Cat’s claw bark
  • Garlic bulb
  • Grape seed
  • Green tea leaf
  • Lycopene
  • Mushroom complex
  • Panax ginseng
  • Pine bark
  • Turmeric rhizome
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E

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Bonus Items

When purchasing the Myco Nuker, you’ll also receive three bonus reports:

#1 – The Vitamin and Mineral Handbook

This report will give answers to your most important questions about vitamin and mineral supplements, such as, “How much should I take every day?” “What’s the right way to take them?” You’ll also discover if you’re deficient of any of these vitamins and minerals.

#2 – The “Easy Fixes for Smelly Feet” Report

Got sweaty and smelly feet? In this report, you’ll discover ten simple and effective natural remedies for smelly feet. These remedies will supposedly banish this embarrassing problem in just one week.

#3 – The “Lazy Man’s One Day Detox” Report

A good detox will get rid of harmful substances that accumulated in your bloodstream. With the help of its “green formula,” this one-day detox will supposedly work better than ten-day or two-week detox systems.

And if you buy the 6-bottle package, you’ll gain access to their “VIP Wellness Mentoring Service.” This service includes weekly updates on Dr. Ishiguro’s latest research, natural homeopathic treatments, little-known organic compounds for good health, and a lot more…

Click Here to Learn More About the Myco Nuker And the Bonus Reports That Come with It!

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2. An In-Depth Look At The Pros And Cons


The Main Pros

Seems to Be Effective

Based on the customer testimonials on their website, as well as some other testimonials we have found online, the Organic Fungus Myco Nuker seems to be effective and safe. With that said, it may work better if you take it under medical supervision and with other effective home treatments for fungal infection.

It Can Improve Your Overall Health

The ingredients used for this supplement has a wide array of health benefits. For instance, beta-glucan can improve your cholesterol levels and heart health. Lycopene is an amazing antioxidant. It may also help prevent heart disease and cancer.

Good Customer Service

We sent them a short email (like we always do) at [email protected]. They responded within twenty-four hours, which is what we expect from every online seller. Here, you can see the screenshot of their email to us.

Useful Bonuses

We always love to see sellers that try to deliver the best value to their customers. We think that the three bonus reports which come with the Myco Nuker supplement are very helpful, and we personally found the “Easy Fixes for Smelly Feet” interesting.

60-day Money Back Guarantee

You have two months to use this product and ask for a refund if you’re not satisfied with the results, or the lack thereof. This is a longer period when compared to many other supplements which usually come with a 30-day guarantee or even less.


The Main Cons

It’s Not a Substitute for Medical Treatments

If you’re taking any medicines for your fungal infection, don’t stop taking them. Always err on the side of caution. Also, let your doctor know that you’re planning to take the Myco Nuker in addition to your current medicines.

Purchasing Only One Bottle is Pretty Expensive

If you’re going to buy only one bottle, it’s going to be expensive because you’ll also pay the shipping fee. Buying three or six bottles would bring down the cost per bottle and the shipping is going to be free.

Shipping Takes Days

Shipping within the U.S. would take around five days to one week, while international customers may have to wait for one to two weeks.

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3. Our Verdict

The market is flooded with dietary supplements that promise to support general health and help treat certain diseases, including fungal infections. We’re sure you know the struggle of picking the right one for your needs.

So, is the “Organic Fungus Myco Nuker” the one?

The thing with dietary supplements, or even mainstream medicines, is it’s hard to say if it would be useful unless you try it yourself. That’s why we can’t say this will work for all people the same way.

As you know, each of us will respond differently to certain supplements and medicines. However, based on our research, we do believe that it can help improve your condition, especially if you use it in combination with other approved fungal infection treatments.

With that said, please remember that the Myco Nuker is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. So, make sure you don’t ditch your current medications without your doctor’s approval.

Bottom line: If you’re looking for an overnight solution, if you’re on a tight budget, or if you have other health problems, then the “Organic Fungus Nuker” might not be for you.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for a natural way to treat toenail fungus (or other fungal infections), or if you’ve tried almost all types of treatments without success, then the Organic Fungus Myco Nuker is a great option to consider.

Anyway, you can always ask for a refund within 60 days if it turns out to be ineffective…

Well, that’s it for the Myco Nuker Reviews. We hope this was helpful for you.

If you already tried this supplement, we’d like to hear from you. Just leave us your comments below.

To your health and happiness!

Click Here to Check the Latest Special Offers for the Organic Fungus Myco Nuker Now!

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