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The Volumetrics Diet – A Short Overview

The Volumetrics diet was created by Barbara Rolls. The diet is not based on deprivation but is meant to help people find healthy foods that they can eat as much as they want but still lose weight. The diet aim at making you feel full but is less in calories and can help one lose […]
Recommended Diet For Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (denoted ED) is a condition that makes a man unable to have an erection. If the erection is achieved, it only lasts a few seconds or a minute before the penis becomes flaccid once again. This condition mostly affects men over the age of 25, though statistics indicates even younger men are susceptible […]
A Healthy Diet For Bodybuilding – Few Tips And Advice

Having the right diet that is capable of being a major part of your body building experience is absolutely imperative. The only way to achieve maximum results is if you are eating the right foods every day. It is from the diet you consume that your body gets its energy to put in the necessary […]
Diet Tips That Can Give You An Energy Boost

Finding foods that can help boost your body’s energy levels without gaining extra weight can prove tough a task for many. Many blame carbohydrates for their current body mass, hence do not trust any calorie-rich foods. What these people do not know is that, carbohydrates not fuel the body, but also help improve one’s capacity […]
How Weight Lifting Workouts Can Help In Bodybuilding?

If you want to build up your body you need to something more than just the lifting of heavy weights. There are a number of aspects of weight lifting that each need to be given the right importance if you want to have a body that you will be proud of and others will admire. […]
Diet For Tinnitus That Can Help You Cope With It

There are days when people who suffer from tinnitus feel that the problem has worsened or feel better. According to studies, eating salty meals may make the problem to worsen for several hours. However, when these people reduce the amount of salt they take, the condition improves. Maintaining a good diet is therefore a key […]
The Ornish Diet – The Way It Works And Its Benefits

The Ornish diet has been created by Dr. Dean Ornish. Dr. Ornish is a physician who has over 25 years experience in directing clinical research. There are two popular varieties of his diet that have been promoted by Dr Ornish. These diets are directed at reversing existing heart disease and also preventing any heart disease […]
Diet for Rheumatoid Arthritis Explained

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune chronic painful condition that affects joints and connective tissue by causing inflammation. Patients with this condition seek for alternatives to minimize the joint pain. However it is important for one to consult their doctor before embarking on any specific diet regime especially if they are on medications. This article will […]
The Best Diet Plan For Men – 4 Rules To Follow

Men and women have different food requirements. Men are more involved in sports and physical activities and hence they are more prone to free radicals, stress, losing body fluids and other harmful agents. Also, the exhausting activities in which they engage in cause dehydration and substantial losses of nutrients. This is the reason why men […]
All About Diet For Kidney Disease

There is a great need to maintain a diet that is friendly to your kidney when you have developed chronic kidney complications. For you to stay healthy, you will have to check out for what you eat and drink. The special diet is for people who have kidney complications but are not on dialysis. Nutrition […]
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