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The Primary Causes Of Sciatica

There are several lower back or lumbar spine problems which can cause sciatica. Sciatica is typically accompanied by pain in one of the legs. This pain can vary from mild to intense, but even at its lowest level is often very uncomfortable. Sciatica is caused when one of more of the nerve roots located […]
A Breakfast Fit For A Day Of Fat Burning

A diet designed to help you burn fat isn’t that hard to put together. There are plenty of great recipes out there for most meals — but what about breakfast? All too often you wind up eating traditional carb- and sugar-heavy breakfasts that start your day off on the wrong note and make it […]
The Basics Of The Dukan Diet

“Dukan diet” is the name given to the nutritional approach designed by French dietitian and nutritionist Pierre Dukan. This plan is based on creating a diet plan similar to what the hunter gatherers used to eat. The diet plan includes a total of 100 foods of which 28 are plant-based and 72 are animal-based. […]
The Causes And Treatment Options Of Eye Floaters

Eye Floaters are simply those moving spots that tend to come in the field of vision. To you, they might look like grey or black specks that are especially apparent when you look at anything bright like the blue sky or a white paper. They tend to drift off when you move your eyes […]
What Is The Atkins Diet And How Does It Work?

Diets are some of the most common practices that people undergo. The need to lose weight has become first and foremost in many people’s minds due to unhealthy eating habits and lack of exercise that has permeated society. More and more people are overweight or obese. One diet that has gotten a lot of […]
Causes Of Low Testosterone And How To Deal With It

Testosterone is one of the most important hormones in a man’s body. This is the hormone responsible for the development of male characteristics, sexual health, vitality, and muscle growth among many other male features. Testosterone is primarily produced naturally in the testicles as soon as one hits the adolescence age. Although produced naturally by […]
The Body Reset Diet – A Short Overview

If you’ve recently jumped on the scales and realized you need to lose a few of those excess pounds, then perhaps you’d like to try The Body Reset diet. This new way of dieting has garnered a lot of attention over the last year, and it’s quickly becoming one of the best-rated diets for […]
Effective Cross Training Workouts For Home

If you plan to tone your body, improve strength and performance, it is highly important to utilize every method at your disposal. There are too many people who get stuck with one set of workout routine, even if they find it not that effective in the long run. This will not help you in […]
Is Green Juice Good For Weight Loss?

There are many people who try to lose weight by juicing. Although it seems like a very good idea, not all of them manage to get slimmer by following this method. The reason is very simple: not all juices are alike. Fruit juices, for instance, have very high sugar content, because fruits are sweet. […]
Recommended Diet For Skin Whitening

Almost everyone adores and wishes to have a smooth, soft and glowing skin. This is the reason why many people go to greater depths in search for an effective solution to help make their skin lighter and softer. A soft light skin makes one have a youthful look thus never have to worry about […]
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