8 Of The Best Muscle Building Bodyweight Exercises

Filed in Muscle Building by on August 15, 2015 0 Comments

Muscle Building Bodyweight Exercises
Body weight exercises are mandatory if you plan to build muscle. Push ups and sit ups are just beginner stuff that will not help build any muscle in your body. This is why you need to choose the correct exercise routine that can really help build muscle in your body.

There are high tension advanced body weight workouts that will build muscle very fast. These are the exercises that should be performed by any person who plans to build muscle, and this article highlights some of the best muscle building body weight exercises…

1/ Chin/Pull Up – These workouts help build the biceps and lats very quickly. Twenty reps are required for best results in the long run. You should target at least 50-reps per week of any sort of chin up variation. In fact, the parallel grip – chin up is the easiest on your elbows and shoulders. Performing them on rings is quite safe since it will allow for more of the natural movements.

2/ Inverted Row – You can do any kind of inverted row variation, including rings, ropes, bars or suspension straps for mid back strength. You can increase the difficulty level by holding each rep for a few seconds at the top. Place your elbows directly out to the side when rowing. This will help target your upper back musculature.

3/ Front Lever – This is another effective muscle building body weight workout. It is one of the best workouts for building the lats. It is also considered one of the most effective abdominal workouts, which can put sit ups and crunches to shame.

4/ Handstand Push Ups – These workouts will help build big shoulders, and they are much less painful compared to a barbell military press. Aim to do 10 full range reps a day. Mastering the handstand is vital to get started with these workouts. The ability to handstand is one of the most important things you should develop in order to improve your overall athleticism.

5/ Ring Fly – This is quite a challenging but a very effective workout to build muscle. It can do wonders for building your chest area. Lower yourself slowly. Now, brace your abs. Squeeze the glutes and pause in that position. The exercise is quite hard, but you may see an exceptional growth in the bicep areas thanks to this workout.

6/ Ring Dip – These workouts are great for your tricep area. Shoot for 25 reps per day for the best results in the long run. If you want more chest emphasis, Lean forward by holding your legs and flexing at the hip area. Try pulling your way up.

7/ Hand Walking Or Crawling – Walking on the hands is one of the best ways to develop shoulder stability and strength. This should be done in the handstand position upside down or in the push up position with your feet placed on a power wheel. The latter will train your ab muscles harder than anything else. Aim for 100-yards at first. Other than this, any type of crawling is also great to build full body strength and athleticism. The popular types of crawls include tiger crawl, bear crawl and crab walk.

8/ Pistol Squat – This workout session will help develop every muscle in your lower back. It offers great balance, coordination, stabilization and athleticism. It may take several weeks for you to perform this exercise properly and pain free. The first time around, your connective tissue will not be prepared for the stress. You should aim for twenty reps for best results with these exercises.

In conclusion, even though there are so many exercise categories out there, not all of them will help build muscle. This is why you need to select the best workouts to build muscle in your body.

In our opinion body weight workouts are some of the best exercise regimes that will help build muscle, and the right exercise regime and a balanced diet is mandatory if you plan to develop muscle in your body. Just don’t forget that you should have a nutritious meal while working out effectively for building muscle…

For other examples of some great muscle building bodyweight exercises you can also check the video below from the Strength Camp channel… All the best!

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